sell only natural conflict free diamonds. Interested in Country of Origin options. Enquire Here
If you have plans to travel internationally, you may like to take advantage of our GST-free purchase service to save the 15% GST on your purchase.
Before describing the GST-free purchase service — which is for customers who are resident in New Zealand and are travelling internationally — we should also note that we also ship to customers who reside overseas (delivery fees apply).
If you are based overseas, GST would not apply to your order.
However, you will need to confirm the duties and/or taxes that you might be liable for in your country of residence.
Since is NZ-based, the ability to save 15% GST is a significant advantage of purchasing from us rather than an offshore company.
Purchasing from a company that is based overseas means you will definitely be charged the 15% GST when the item is imported into the country (as well as 5% duty and additional fees/levies on many items).
If you are resident in New Zealand, diamond(s) or jewellery you purchase from can be exported and collected after clearing customs and security before boarding your flight.
The GST-free purchase service is currently offered for flights out of Auckland International Airport, Wellington International Airport, and Queenstown International Airport. For further details on Auckland International Airport's Collection Point, please click here.
Please note that if is an item of women's jewellery, it should be collected by her as personal jewellery. Likewise, the same applies to an item of men's jewellery — the item should be collected by him as personal jewellery.
Also be aware that different jurisdictions have different opinions on jewellery exported from New Zealand, which is out of's control.
Please contact us to discuss this if you are considering using the GST-free service.
For an overview of how the GST-free service works, please see the infographic below.
Iris Ring Setting
Priced from $886.00
Annabel Ring Setting
Priced from $976.00
Martha Ring Setting
Priced from $999.00
Harriet Ring Setting
Priced from $1,001.00
Gwyneth Ring Setting
Priced from $1,115.00
Shea Ring Setting
Priced from $1,187.00
Nia Ring Setting
Priced from $1,563.00
Eloise Ring Setting
Priced from $1,730.00
Antonia Ring Setting
Priced from $1,857.00
Millie Ring Setting
Priced from $1,862.00
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